Here we are. 40 weeks. The day that has been quoted over and over since October when we found out this little one was happening.
Doctor briefly stopped in while I was on the monitors this morning. I found out her request for another sonogram isn't to check his size, but to check the amount of amniotic fluid. If fluid is low, then they have a medical reason to bump someone else and induce me now. She decided that by the looks of the monitoring from today, that she didn't feel we needed to do the sonogram. I assured her I was more than willing now that I understood it was for more than just to check his size. She said we're good.
So our next move is to go in Tuesday for one last check. She said the hospital requires that we are checked the day before inducement to make sure the head is still down.
I then asked her to explain what her procedure is as far as inducement. IF I'm not already coming in Wednesday morning with consistent contractions, then she would break my water and see where that takes me for a few hours. She then said if no progress is made she would start me on 1 mm of petocin and see where I go from there. She then would bump it up every 15-30 minutes depending on progression.
So light a candle. Say your prayers. Let's get the show on the road before Wednesday!!!!
Really Great Vegan Ramen
4 days ago
1 comment:
I'm predicting Sunday, Sunday, SUNDAY!!!
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