The child has continued his strong growth pattern outside the belly just like he started inside the belly. Yesterday, He weighed in at 9 lb 15 oz.... and he's not even technically 2 weeks old until Sunday! Length was 21 1/4 inches and head is 36 1/2. His baby acne is coming in and he's peeling his newborn skin too. Thank goodness he's not old enough to have a complex ... he's just too darn precious and beautiful for any of that to matter. Doctor said everything looks good and we'll see him at 2 months!
His belly button fell off on Wednesday night. Thank goodness... that thing was getting mighty stinky.
Grandmom and Grampop deBeaumont made it in just fine. A little later than expected, but safe and sound. We had a yummy lasagna dinner and a visit and off to bed.
This morning we had special pastries... courtesy of Ayla's new favorite Kolache shop... and fresh Fredericksburg peaches courtesy of Papa and Jan who picked them up on their way back from Alpine. (So yummy, thanks Papa and Jan!!) Today, Ayla is busy trying to earn money to fund a manicure and pedicure before she leaves for Vermont on Tuesday. Grampop is helping her wash the cars, while Jim is mowing the lawn.