We've had a bit of a rough week. Mama's been working a lot, which makes me tired and extra emotional. Yesterday it all came to a head after dropping Ayla off at volleyball, after hearing him cry the entire 45 minutes of us fighting traffic back to our house, and my supervisor calling to see why I wasn't at work already. I lost it. And in my time of desperation and need, Jim couldn't have been sweeter and more helpful. I am so blessed to have such an amazing husband.
The deal is... I am so hypersensitive to having to wake sweet Henry up from his restful naps to go barrelling down the highway. I'm stuck in that "life's just not fair" feelings. I think the fact that I'm not happy about being in the car all day might be the true culprit.
We also tried to transition Henry to his crib which went fairly well, aside from the multiple trips up and down the stairs for mama. I've decided its just not worth it at this point. I'm just not willing to give up sleeping with Jim or my own bed yet to sleep downstairs on the extra bed in Henry's room.
Some great news is Henry has been rolling over for the last few weeks. We still haven't captured it on video to share, but will do when we get the chance. He's such a strong and happy baby. Henry and I have started a "Mommy and me" class on Friday mornings. I love the group of moms. They are all around my age. Just what I needed... a support group for both me and Henry. 2 good things.
Amongst all the chaos and emotional breakdowns.... there's always this little precious face that just melts my heart. Enjoy the pix.
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