I didn't end up finishing in that one weekend I was shooting for...but here's the latest.
Phase 1:
We were able to paint the walls and we bought the new desk (wood door and cabinets).
Phase 2:
This past weekend Jim installed the shelves (Thanks so much, Jimmy!!)... don't they look great! And I've officially clearing out the brown desk, to which we are selling (anyone interested? $100 and its yours!). I've been pecking away at clearing off the computer so I can give it back (it's a loaner). It's painfully slow... I download onto a 2 GB thumb drive, then transfer to the PC and burn it to a disc and back to the MAC for more ... any ideas how to do this faster/easier??
I've got most of my books for teaching up on the shelves and out of their boxes... such an amazing feeling to get organized after months of being here and a month of teaching.
I also brought my herbs in. I like them here in the sunny window and they are close to the kitchen for easy access.
Phase 3:
Finish the transfer of files and give back MAC and sell brown desk.
Phase 4:
Install some kind of homemade bench/couch/reading/napping nook where brown desk currently is.