Nothing like an AMAZING week to bring back my blogging spirit. After a year and half break... IT'S ABOUT TIME!!
SUNDAY began this week with evidence of one of our new adventures this fall. I made it to yoga class. It's probably been at least a year and half break from both blogging as well as yoga. Instead of renewing our cable, we decided to put that monthly money into a gym membership. I've never belonged to a gym, but I've embraced it in all its glory and its silliness.
MONDAY was monumental for our family. Both Henry and Ayla earn special recognition for their bravery as both started new schools.
Henry started his new PPCD program for his speech delay at our neighborhood AISD school, Cunningham Elementary. When the school mentioned he could ride the bus, I scoffed, "he's only 3!!".
After considering this option to be our BEST option if we could make it work, we decided to give it a try. Henry has amazed us and I couldn't be more proud of him embracing his big-boy-ness and getting himself up on that bus. His driver, Ms. Gwen and the monitor, Ms. Tracey greet him every morning with a huge warm welcome for Henry. I can count the days I've actually had to wake Henry up on one hand... and today was one of them. He was so sleepy. He was so excited as it pulled up, but when it was time for mom and dad to say goodbye, he cried and cried. We worried all morning and finally got word from his UT school that he arrived with a smile on his face and happy to see his familiar class. Everyday since he's been better and better to the point that on Friday he was up, dressed himself, had his backpack and ready to go by 5:30am (bus doesn't come until 6:40 :). He ran up to this bus and even waved goodbye to us as he found his seat. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for him AND for his protective parents. :) This is such a blessing.
MONDAY also brought brand new digs for Ayla... AUSTIN HIGH!! Ayla started a new school, as well as a new program. She's going to a school within the school. It's called AGS (Academy of Global Studies). I am so proud of her for making the choice to apply and even more excited when she was selected!! She had a great time at orientation meeting her teachers and seeing familiar faces from Middle School. There is only 150 students compared to over 900 in her entire freshman class. Another amazing blessing. Her schedule is much like college in that her classes are 1.5 hours and she rotates her schedule going to just 4 classes every other day.
TUES and WED were much of the same... and adjusting and tweeking the schedule... and LOTS of school supply shopping.
THURSDAY started with a very special morning celebration for our very own NINI! The Presbyterian Women honored Jan with a "Lifetime Achievement Award" and it was a COMPLETE surprise to her. It was an honor to be in the celebrating party to cheer and acknowledge what an amazing Christian woman she is. Congrats Nini!!!
Thursday evening brought a fun and rather rare date night for Jim and I. We ate Mexican tapas at Corazon then headed to laugh the night away at the Drowsy Chaparone.
FRIDAY, not only the birthday of my brother Hal, but also my first day of classes for the fall semester. I'm really excited to begin the actual masters part of my Masters in Nursing. I'm anticipating a LOT of reading and writing... not my best subjects. ;)
The evening brought a really special occasion as I, along with my cohort of Alternative Entry nursing students, were pinned. We have offically completed our required courses in order to be RN's. Although many of us still have yet to take the NCLEX (Nursing board exam). We enjoyed a really nice evening of celebrating our successful completion of 15 accelerated months of intensive course work.
Each of us chose the person to pin us and I chose Ayla. As she was the primary reason I made my exit from my previous medical/naturopath school endeavors to dedicate myself more fully to motherhood. And she also was a strong influence for me to seriously consider opening the option back up and taking the plunge to pursue it whole heartedly. As much as I struggled this past 15 months holding it together... I don't regret taking 15 years off to be a full time mom with a part time career. Thanks Ayla for being with me this whole way. You mean so much to me!!
.Deep into FRIDAY night and into SATURDAY morning... little did we know but brand new baby CHARLOTTE SUSAN SKAGGS was making her way into this world!!! At 4:36am weighing just under 7 pounds and every bit COMPLETELY GORGEOUS!!! SUCH an amazing blessing to have a new baby in our family WE LOVE YOU!!
Now back full circle to SUNDAY and to finish off this unbelievable week full of BLESSINGS... after much effort and nearly giving up hope... this evening I received a phone message that I have been selected for an interview for the RN Residency program at Dell Children's Hospital. As many of you know, this is an INCREDIBLY competitive program, but particularly the Dell Children's location is nearly impossible to get into. The message said the interview would be either Sept 7 or 8th, which couldn't be more perfect as we will be visiting family in Pennsylvania until the 6th. Although its just an interview they typically only interview 3-5 candidates for each position so I'm beaming knowing I'm actually really close to making it! DATE IS SET... SEPT 8th at 9:30 AM.
I feel a bit like I was touched by an angel this week. Thank you to everyone who loves and thinks and prays for us!!!
Almond Cake
3 days ago