Today has been an unusually busy Tuesday.
We started the day with my 6 week post-partum check up at the OBGYN's. They adored Henry of course... and I loved every minute of it. Sadly, after I checked in I found out I wasn't meeting with my doctor but with one of her many nurse assistents. They are lovely people, but second string is never as satisfying as the star of the show. I'm fine with one of the nurses doing my exams and taking the stats.... but I was really REALLY sad to not get to say thank you, say goodbye, and be able to talk and hear about my birth story from my doctor. When I asked the nurse if it was possible to talk to my doctor... she just looked at me with this blank stare, "well, what ever for?". I said I wanted to talk with her about my story and hear it from her perspective. She matter of factly replied it was unlikely that she would remember the details from everyone's birth since she does so many. "Was there something specific you wanted to know?". My emotions (hormones) were surging at this point. I understand what she was saying, but I have been so disappointed with this whole cookie cutter-30 second appointments-experience with the OBGYN.
Believe me, I prepared myself for this experience to be different from the midwife experience, but I guess I am just so surprised to find the parts that I thought were fundamental to anyone going through this .... to be missing. I felt left at the alter. I felt that my experience didn't matter to her... its just mine to share with myself. Like a girl that just lost her virginity and wants to cuddle and talk about it... but instead her prince charming has fallen asleep. UGH. Then, the nurse gives me a complex for asking. Maybe I'm asking too much... its possible... but I'm a sensitive girl that appreciates her intimate moments... and the birth of your child is defintely one of the most intimate life offers.
Thanks for listening.
We leave for N.M. tomorrow so stay tuned for vacation pictures when we return.
Really Great Vegan Ramen
4 days ago